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Deputy director for post-graduation, scientific research and external relations

The Deputy Director for post-graduation, scientific research and external relations performs the following tasks:

    • Monitor the admission exams for postgraduate studies.
    • Take or propose the necessary measures to ensure the smooth running of postgraduate training and supervise the management of defense sessions for master's theses and doctoral dissertations.
    • Monitor the progress of research activities.
    • Initiate partnership activities with social and economic sectors.
    • Initiate actions to stimulate and strengthen cooperation between national and international universities.
    • Implement programs to improve teachers' skills and update their knowledge.
    • Monitor the functioning of the institute's scientific council and preserve its archives.

avatar profil  Dr. ALIKHODJA Nadir

  Deputy director for post-graduation, scientific research and external relations


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This department is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Monitoring the progress of postgraduate training for the first and second cycles: Master's, Doctoral Schools, PhD in Sciences, and Third-Cycle LMD Doctorate.
  • Managing the registration and re-registration of PhD students at the second cycle postgraduate level.
  • Monitoring the progress of postgraduate admission exams.
  • Administrative and pedagogical management of the Third-Cycle LMD Doctorate.
  • Monitoring the progress of PhD and habilitation defense sessions.

   Head of Department: Mrs. Djiara Soria

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This department is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Monitoring research activities in laboratories and research projects (PRFU, CMEP, PNR, etc.).
  • Tracking scientific events (seminars, conferences, workshops, congresses).
  • Ensuring the proper functioning of the institute's scientific council and maintaining its archives.
  • Monitoring doctoral study days.

   Head of Department: Mrs. Sahi Lila

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This department is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Management of short-term internships and scientific leaves.
  • Collection and dissemination of information on research activities, collaborations, and training opportunities.
  • Initiating partnership initiatives with socio-economic sectors.
  • Launching initiatives to energize and strengthen national and international university cooperation.

   Head of Department: Mrs. Ouennoughi Sihem

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