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The head of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning

The head of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning performs the following duties:

  • Ensure the proper functioning and regular organization of the offices under their responsibility.
  • Oversee the academic follow-up of the open specialties, ensuring the teaching of the registered modules and ensuring adherence to the scheduled timetables.
  • Supervise the administration of exams in the specialties, in accordance with the established calendar.
  • Ensure the proper conduct of deliberations.
  • Validate certificates of study and graduation diplomas in conjunction with the Director of the Institute and the Rector of the University.
  • Validate transcripts.

  avatar profil   Pr. Fertas Lahcen

  Head of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning. 


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Mr Yakoub Ali


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  • Lead the activities of the specialty team.
  • Ensure the achievement of training objectives in the assigned specialty.
  • Propose any measures to improve the training program of the specialty.
  • Promote and energize mechanisms for the professional integration of graduates.
  • Suggest pedagogical measures to ensure the proper conduct of specialties in undergraduate higher education.

Mr Maabed Sofiane


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  • Lead the activities of the specialty team.
  • Ensure the achievement of training objectives in the assigned specialty.
  • Propose any measures to improve the training program of the specialty.
  • Promote and energize mechanisms for the professional integration of graduates.
  • Suggest pedagogical measures to ensure the proper conduct of specialties in undergraduate higher education.